“Is there anything wrong with me?” — we’ve all been there, and that is okay. We find ourselves in the Conflicted Stage when confusion, fear, or even sheer exhaustion takes over the excitement and pleasure.
These can be from our everyday responsibilities and pressures, and even from our platonic and romantic relationships.
Know that there is nothing to be ashamed of in finding yourself at this stage. It happens, and that’s okay. -
The Conflicted Stage might look something like this:
I don’t know who I am sexually anymore.
I don’t have time for my sexual self.
I am no longer feeling pleasure.
I am starting to resent intimacy.
I am not able to prioritize myself.

Does it mean that there is something wrong with you? Absolutely not. Is there anything we can do about it? Yes. By slowly reclaiming ourselves — learning to set aside time where you can put yourself first again, taking time to do what gives you pleasure, and nourishing your mind, your spirit, and your body.
Reclaiming ourselves can be difficult, so take your time. Remember, put what you need first.
When you are ready to explore yourself again, come back, and we’ll be here for you.