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Lelo | Luna Beads Mini

Lelo | Luna Beads Mini

Regular price ₱2,125.00 PHP
Regular price ₱4,250.00 PHP Sale price ₱2,125.00 PHP
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LUNA beads mini are interchangeable weighted beads that will help you experience stronger muscular control, enhanced sensation and ultra-intense orgasms.

The Luna beads combines pleasure and fitness system for vaginal and pelvic floor muscles. Designed as a modular alternative to conventional 'geisha-balls', LUNA offers the benefit of increased resistance over time.

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✔ Subtle vibration movements ✔ Different combinations for variable sensations ✔ Body safe materials

dr rica's notes

I specifically chose the Luna Beads Mini to be in Unprude for women who want a little help with their Kegel exercises. The Luna Beads Mini are small enough to fit women who haven't given birth yet. When you use it, you'll feel a little weight jiggling inside, but it's not really distracting. It actually reminds me to clench and do my Kegels! Doing my Kegels has helped me rebuild my pelvic floor muscles after giving birth (hellooooo sudden pees!) and actually made me squeeze tighter during sex and gave me more intense orgasms! Start off with one pink ball and slowly work your way up. Even the lightest ball can make you feel happy inside. :)


This is your reminder to be with someone who will never shame you for celebrating your body.