Juan Medical | Unprude STI Test for Men Package 2
This package provides a comprehensive assessment of overall health while screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in individuals. From these tests, we can detect ongoing infections and diseases, signs of urinary tract infections and kidney problems, screening for Syphilis, detection of hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections, screening for antibodies to HIV, and screening for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia. This package is particularly beneficial for sexually active individuals or those at risk of STIs, offering early detection and appropriate management for optimal health outcomes.
• Complete Blood Count with Platelet Count (CBCPC)
• Routine Urinalysis (10 Parameters)
• Treponema pallidum Hemagglutination Assay (TP-HA) (Qualitative)
• Rapid Plasma Reagin / Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (RPR/VDRL) (Qualitative) (Syphilis Screening Test)
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HbsAg) (Screening)
• Anti-Hepatitis C Virus / Hepatitis C Antibody (Anti-HCV) (Qualitative)
• Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1&2 (HIV1 & HIV2) (Quantitative)
Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae and Mycoplasma Genitalium RT-PCR